Even if you are Blind, You can still find a Way…Give this a look

You can always find a way. It’s just a matter of how far and how long you are willing to look.

Take a break from the day, and watch these two videos on an inspirational person by the name of Jake Olson. He is a perfect example of being able to find a way. Cancer may have taken Jake’s eyesight, but it failed to take away his courage to chase his dreams in life.

So many of us, myself included, seem to put up boundaries, or blind our self to certain things in life. We say, “No way that will ever happen to me.” “I will never be able to do that.” One thing I am learning is that whether we think we can or we can’t, we are right.

Today, I like to think I can. It has hands down led me to do a number of things that in my past I told myself there is no way in hell I could do.

It’s simple. If you think there is a way, then you will find it, even if that means failing over and over. If you think there is no way, then you simply won’t look. You will be blind to finding new ways to play the game we call life.

Use a person like Jake as an example next time you think there is no way. Jake can no longer see, but still found  a way to play the game he deeply loves. When plenty of people probably counted him out, the only thing that mattered is Jake did not count himself out.

Basically, the only thing to be said this week is don’t count yourself out. Don’t go blind, when there are other ways to see. Don’t take it from me, take it from a person like Jake Olson.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a great rest of the week.

Think Positive. Find a Way.

Think Positive. Live Positive.


3 Simple Messages to Hear


In case you didn’t see, Diana Nyad recently completed a 110-Mile Swim from Cuba to Key West, Florida. She is the first ever to swim this, in the open water, without a shark cage. She swam for nearly 53 hours straight, and the salt water made her lips and tongue swollen, which made it difficult for her to even breathe. Incredible? Absolutely!

But in the end, experts say, her success came down to one essential part of her body – her mind.

“I think it was her belief in herself that she could do this,” says Kathryn Olson, CEO of the Women’s Sports Foundation.

Diana Nyad had previously failed at this attempt numerous times throughout her life, dating back to her first attempt when she was 28. And now, 36 years later, she was able to accomplish a life-long goal of hers because of her ability to believe in herself, remain persistent, and to never give up.

diana nyad

It’s just another testament that our mind can lead us to achieve even our most far-fetched goals. 

But what is even more incredible is the message Ms. Nyad delivered shortly after her swim. Her 3 messages are spoken from the heart, and are spoken from a person who has failed before, but chose to remain persistent through it all. Her messages are simple, yet very powerful.

1) Don’t Ever Give Up.
2) You are never too old to chase your dreams.
3) It looks like a solitary sport, but it’s a team effort.

Take time to think about these 3 messages and how they can play a part in your own life.

Believe in yourself and work to achieve your goals. Don’t forget the road to your goals lies within your reach.

Stay Positive and thank you for checking this out. Have a great rest of the week.

Think Positive. Don’t ever give up.

Think Positive. Live Positive.


Treat Yourself!

treat yourself!

Over this past weekend, a friend was telling me about a particular episode of a TV show in which the theme of the show was “Treat Yourself.” He explained that each time someone would express they wanted something, the other person would respond by saying “Treat Yo Self!” After hearing about this, I instantly began to think about how those two words can play a role in our life.

We all do it from time to time in one way or another. We do something for so long that it begins to get old to us. Or there are just those days that we just are not our normal self.

The same goes for trying to be positive in life. The daily grind of events in our own life and those close to us seem to take a toll on us. The ability to find the positive in each situation gets harder and harder as we go on. Seemingly, positive gets old and sometimes we resort to the easy solution, negativity. We say, “Screw this” and “Screw that,” and we tend to lose focus of where we are and where we would like to go with our life. Our path becomes blurred, and the struggles only add to the frustration.  Life comes at us so fast and is so nonstop that it begins to take a toll on us as. We have all been there, and it’s normal.

So what can we do to try to avoid these negative feelings?

Treat Yourself!

Just like when you reward a child for doing a great job with an ice cream or a new toy. Just like you reward your dog with a treat after learning a new trick or actually going to the bathroom outside instead of in the house. Make sure you do not forget to reward yourself.

As we grow older and become more independent, that someone that used to be there to encourage us may not be there anymore, and that is where we have to help our own self. We must be honest with ourself and be able to treat ourself when we have been working hard, and the daily grind seems to be wearing us down.

I’m no professional on the topic by any means of the word, but it is only reasonable to reward our own self from time to time for accomplishing a goal, or for just simply remaining persistent at whatever it is we wish to accomplish. It’s alright to take a quick timeout from the everyday grind, as long as we use that timeout to our advantage in a positive way. We must be conscious enough though to realize that we must earn each reward we give our self and we must be honest enough not to take advantage and make the reward process last longer than the grinding process.

Rewards are meant to be quick, and a little reminder to stay on track. They are a positive way to keep moving forward.

The grinding process is just that, a grind. But grinding it out is a good thing, as long as we make sure to treat our self from time to time. So instead of turning your back when times are hard, be proud of the obstacle and welcome the challenge. Recognize this, and take a quick timeout to treat yourself. Treat yourself because of the good that life has to offer. Most importantly, treat yourself because you earned it.

If you feel you haven’t earned it then that’s great! Admit it to yourself and go do something so that you can earn a reward.  Rewards are for everyone because we all have the ability to be rewarded. Some actually earn it while others wish they had earned it. My question to you; Which do you want to be? You have the ability to do whatever you please. Realize this and work to achieve your goals. Thank you for reading and have a great day.

Think Positive. Treat Yourself.

Think Positive. Live Positive.

Treat Yourself!